Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The context of Church-State Relations Essay Example for Free

The context of Church-State Relations Essay This section sets the context for testing the hypotheses. Historically, church-state relationships have been a recurring and significant source of political controversy in European states. The outcomes of these controversies may be viewed in terms of the following taxonomy: the Erastian model, in which the state has assumed responsibility for the direction of the church; the liberal model, in which the state is secular and neutral in its relationships with the church(es) found in its society; the theocratic model, in which the church has achieved supremacy in religious and secular affairs; the spheres model, in which the church prevails in some spheres and the state in other spheres of society; and the anti-church model, in which the state stands in opposition to the church and seeks to curtail or eliminate religion. The Erastian model. On this model, the state seeks to organize the church as a department of the state. This model is commonly associated with the Protestant German states of the Reformation. The Erastian model confronts the problem of internal religious change, perhaps expressed in controversies over liturgy or doctrinal controversies. From the regulatory perspective, two broad responses to internal change may be taken by the Erastian state. First, the state may simply tolerate a good deal of doctrinal variation within the church viewed as a common religious house. Second, the state may seek to play the role of arbiter or imprimatur in determining the correctness of certain positions in theological disputes. Both positions run the risk of reduced credibility for both the church and the state. The liberal model. The liberal model argues for neutrality of the state in the affairs of churches. It conceives the state as one in which there is no privileged relationship between the state and any particular church. Although the liberal model has its origins in European thought, it may be argued that it has rarely been found in European countries. Few European regimes have adopted neutrality as the basis for church-state regulation. The United States is often judged to be a better example than European nations of the application of the liberal tradition to church-state relations. [14] The United States also is a nation with one of the highest rates of church attendance on either side of the North Atlantic. Does the fact that the American state constructs church-state relations as a wall of separation contribute to the apparently greater American public willingness to attend church and to attach importance to religion? Roger Finke has argued that the deregulation of churches in the United States has promoted religious individualism; that is, for an American church to survive it must attract communicants in the open market by responding to the individuals understanding of religion as one of personal conversion. [15] The theocratic model. Here the church assumes or is given a sphere of influence that embraces both religious and secular spheres. As with the state in the Erastian model, the church is supreme and so the question of the states defining boundaries does not arise. The churchs autonomy in determining public policy is not confined to its membership but embraces the broader community in which the church is located. This model may exist in regions within a state but certainly is not characteristic of nations in Europe today. The best example of a European theocracy in the last century was the Papal states in what is now modern Italy. The spheres model. This model can best be described by saying what it is not. It is not the liberal tradition or the Erastian or the theocratic. Rather, it may be described as the situation in which the society is understood as made up of competing or perhaps complementary spheres. Conflicts between the Holy Roman Emperors and religious hierarchies often reflected this battle over spheres of autonomy. Variations of this model are found in a remarkably wide range of European nations today. These range from nations that profess to be of a certain church, to others that are critical of a specific church. Samuel Krislov argues that the determination of boundaries between church and state is enormously difficult in any system that seeks to recognize separate spheres of responsibility between a church and a state. [16] It is probably useful to conceptualize the spheres model as a continuum. At one end are the Roman Catholic Churches in Ireland and in todays Poland, where the sphere of church influence is quite large and embraces many areas of public policy making. At the other end of the continuum are Scandinavian churches which have narrowly-defined spheres of influence in public policy making. The anti-church model. This final model is one in which the state is deeply critical if not in outright opposition to the church. The former regimes of Eastern Europe reflected an oppositional tradition as historically did the nineteenth and early twentieth century regimes in Mexico and in France which often sought to disestablish or to curtail church life severely. Examples of opposition include expulsion of religious orders, seizure of church resources, and prohibition of many church-sponsored activities.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Malvolio in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night Essay -- Malvolio Will

Malvolio in William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night The problem involving Malvolio in Twelfth Night has been known for a long time but still very difficult. The gist of it is this. A lot of modern readers or spectators feel that the way in which Malvolio is treated is extremely bad. We expect him to become the centre of humour; we know that in the business of comedy, a very puritanical and rather joyless figure is likely to receive comedic humiliation; but in this case the humiliation that Malvolio gets, seems protracted and harsh. The harshness of Malvolio's treatment seemed to also have a negative effect on the ending, his attitude seemed to cloud the joyful atmosphere. We could argue that Malvolio bought this mistreatment on himself and perhaps deserved it after his bad treatment of the other characters; In some way Malvolio thought that he had superiority over Feste and as a result treated him unsympathetically and intolerantly. He also put Feste down repeatedly. Malvolio was also a killjoy and during the play ...

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Art Comparison Analysis

Holloway, Enejor Art Appreciation- James November 2012 Visual Analysis 13. 9 Peter Paul Rubens The abduction of the Daughters of Leucippus is a European painting, involving sexual erotica and cultural indication of masculinity and femininity. The painting’s imagery consists of blue skies, shimmering and a variety of textures to add to the rich surface and the sensual color harmonies. All figures are placed in a diamond shape, suggesting ongoing movement. On the left, dark tones act as a foil to the lighter areas in the center.Textures such as armor, satin, flesh, and hair, are all painted in a significant way. The painting specifies what was considered masculine and feminine in Flanders, 1617, and the type of roles women and men played, which is where the texture and elements of the painting become important because of the way the women is painted in the piece, she is displayed as voluptuous, soft and fleshy looking which was considered sexually attractive and a sign of health and wealth.The statement: The battle of the sexes is a necessity of nature, is a statement of symbolism associated with this painting The women were a lot more pale than the men of this time hinting that they probably stayed indoors and the men on the other hand who mainly participated in outdoor activity were darker skinned, also muscular. The painting illustrates, through the figure’s positioning, that women learned to be helpless, which is why in the painting they are sort of throwing their arms up in a surrendering manner, not really showing much resistance to them men who display expressions of determination and unemotional. 3. 10 Jacques-Louis David Oath of the Horatii is a painting, created in France 1784, that represents and expresses early history of ancient Rome in which three brothers vow to represent the Roman Army, Their duty and vow to the army characterizes qualities of courage and patriotism, which in early ancient Rome, and early history as whole, was a nece ssity of a man’s life. The architecture and classical elements form the neoclassicism which was a evival of Greek and Roman aesthetics and is associated with masculinity and revolution On the other hand their sister’s and wives are to the right of the painting are slumped down in sorrow of the expectance of death that comes with war. This painting expresses that heroic actions were a mark of masculinity, reinforced by the women’s passivity. The masculinity in this painting is shown by the moment of male bonding, in the face of danger as the three brothers come together, under the grace of their father’s set patriotic virtues for them, willing to for others.The brother’s look up at the swords as there are looking at their job, their obligation and honor as the women’s obligation and duty is concerning of the children. Both of these paintings reflect the reality of gender roles played in a specified time setting, the authors reveal the roles i n a natural subtle way that cultures of Europe and ancient Rome believe in, in which the figures in the paintings illustrate a story of masculinity and femininity by advertising their both gender’s behavior and way of being towards each other and customs of society.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Gopaljee and Amul Milk Products - 5554 Words

Market reaction around the Announcement of Stock Split and Bonus Issues in India: An Empirical Analysis Dr. Vibha Dua Satija, vibha.dua.satija@gmail.com, Reader, Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies, Affiliated to G.G.S.I.P University, Delhi Dr. Harsh Purohit , iic@banasthali.in, Associate Professor Chair- ICICI Bank CBFSI , WISDOM, Faculty of Management Studies, Banasthali University, Banasthali Vidyapith Haritika Sabharwal Chhatwal , haritika@rediffmail.com, Senior Lecturer , Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies, Affiliated to G.G.S.I.P University, Delhi Abstract Volatility and uncertainty persists in the financial markets across the world. In this environment, each small and big event affects the markets. Therefore, it†¦show more content†¦This is because the dividend rate (% of face value) is not expected to change after bonus issue. When the company makes bonus issue, the shareholders perceive that management is confident of future. A study done by Gupta (1973) finds out that as many as one third of the companies issuing bonus shares did not increase the total dividend payment. According to Ross (1977), Leyland and Pyle (1977) managers use financial decision of stock dividend to convey favorable private information about the current value of the firm. Klien and Peterson (1989), Grinblatt, Masulis, Titman(1984)Brenan and Copeland (1988) Asquith(1989) Lakonishok and Lev(1987) provide further support for this. Abhijit Dutta (2001) has examined the investor reaction to information using the primary data collected from 600 individuals and observes that the individual investors are less reactive to bad news as they invest for longer period. Hari Om Chaturvedi (2000) in his doctoral thesis observed that the cumulative abnormal returns (CAAR) between the portfolios with positive and negative unexpected half yearly earnings were significant. A few studies have been carried out in recent years to test the announcement effects of bonus issue in Indian stock market. Ramachandran (1988) found out mixed evidence for semi strong form of efficiency in Indian stock market. M. Obaidullah (1992) and Rao (1994) found positive stock market reaction to equityShow MoreRelatedâ€Å"Trade Promotion Incentive Scheme: Concept and Implementation Synergy†9222 Words   |  37 Pagesmany government offices, it was likely for the milk sales to fall. To retain the sales of Poly Pack Milk, Mother Dairy proposed an incentive scheme to the Retailers, Wholesale Dealers and Home Delivery Agents that sold Mother Dairy milk. The scheme was proposed in all regions of Delhi/NCR. The offer given was of an additional incentive of up to [pic]1.5 per liter for volumes of milk converted from other competitor brands like Amul, Paras, Gopaljee, etc., to Mother Dairy. The scheme was available